Free Download For Coaches, Consultants, Course Creators, And Experts:

Facebook Ads For Webinars Guide + Tracking Sheet


Learn how to strategically run Facebook ads for your webinar, lead magnet or client acquisition funnel. Inside, you'll discover:

  • The first and biggest mistake people make with their webinar campaigns

  • How to define your success metrics and determine your ad budget using a "Revenue Model" tracking sheet

  • A unique type of Facebook ad thats working exceptionally well for coaches, consultants, and course creators right now

  • The best way to reach and target your ideal customers on Facebook

  • The ideal campaign structure that maximizes your chances of nailing a winning campaign

  • How to evaluate your campaigns after you launch

  • 6 scaling strategies you can test immediately

  • How to split test and maintain the health of your campaigns long term

Client Successes

Our clients have used the same strategies to get results like these:


3071 Leads + $21,356.00 (115% ROAS) in 5 weeks

Eben Pagan, Eben Pagan Training


 1009 leads + $12,000 (535% ROAS) in 11 Days

Joe Stumpf, By Referral Only


$10249.70 to make $46,784.83 (456% ROAS) in a 3 week launch

Dave Foy, DesignBuildWeb


3762 Leads + $126,000 (438% ROAS) in 4 months

Sandra Kemayou, Women of Wealth