Step 7: Evaluating and Optimizing Your Ads

Ok after you’ve let your new tests run for 3 ideally 4 days, you’ll want to start recording down some results.

Open up the tracking doc you created before and enter the numbers into their respective columns.


Next, check the aggregate numbers at the bottom and see how the numbers look on an aggregate level.


After you’ve evaluated the numbers on an aggregate level, open up ads manager and start evaluating your numbers on an adset level.


Open up ads manager. Select the custom column preset you created in the previous step. Set the date to the last 30 days and evaluate your results based on the success metrics you estimated in the Revenue Model.
Which adsets are getting leads and hitting your cost per lead metric? Which adsets are getting people to move down the funnel and schedule calls?
Cut the ones that aren’t.
Scale the ones that are, if budget allows for it (we’ll talk about scaling in the next section). 
If none of your adsets are doing well, then you’ll want to pause the campaign and troubleshoot based on the information you collected so far and ask yourself:

    Where is the funnel broken?
    Are people not engaging with your ads? Aka, is the CTR (link click through) is less than 1% or are the CPC’s higher than you estimated?
    Are people engaging with your ad and clicking through but aren’t opting in? What is the conversion rate on the landing page? Is it too low?
    Are people opting in but not watching the webinar?
    Are people watching, but not signing up for a call?

This is how you want to think about your campaigns when evaluating and optimizing. Simply look at the numbers, identify where in the funnel people are dropping off, then create and test hypotheses on why until you fix that step in the funnel.

Action Steps

  • Update your tracking document and evaluate results

  • Cut losers, scale winners, or troubleshoot broken parts of the funnel

Up Next: Scaling Up To Reach Your Goals