Step 5: Set Up The Ideal Campaign Structure

Ok you now know how to find audiences and create ads.

So how do you actually go about setting up your ads on Facebook.

Here’s a quick refresher on how Facebook campaigns are structured.


On the highest level, you have your campaigns. This is where you select the goal of your campaign (i.e are you aiming for conversions, or engagement, or to get people watch your videos, etc). 90% of the time, you’re going to use Conversions.
Underneath Campaigns, you have adsets. This is where you go to set your audience targeting. Each adset represents one audience targeting.
Underneath each adset, you have your ads. You can have multiple ads underneath each adset. If you include multiple ads underneath each adset, Facebook will automatically split test the ads and double down on the best one.

As a general framework, you’re going to have one main campaign per offer you are promoting. (We'll talk about retargeting campaigns later).
Underneath the campaign, you’re going to have multiple ad sets representing different audiences. We recommend testing 4-8 different audiences (adsets) to start.  
Underneath each adset, you should have 2 (ideally 4) different ads.
Having a campaign structure with multiple different adsets and ads gives you a lot of different variations for finding a winning audience-to-ad match.


Now let’s talk about specifics. What type of campaign, what buttons to click.

For webinar campaigns, you’re going to use a Conversion Campaign


Ignore the split test and CBO to start. You can test this later if you want. 


Set your conversion to the event you set on your optin thank you page (whether that’s Lead or a custom conversion you made)


Set the budget to 2x your CPA or just $10/day at default. 
CPA = your expected cost per action (result). 
So if you are expecting to collect leads for $5/lead, set it to $10. If you aren’t sure, then just default to $10/day to start.


Ignore offer and dynamic ad (leave off). You can test this later if you want. 


Setup your audience. (Uncheck the checkbox for expanded detailed targeting to start. You can test this later)


Leave on automatic placements to start. You can test different placements later.


Select single image/video


Upload media


Add your copy, headline, description. Ignore the “Add Another Option” links


Enter your destination URL


That’s how you set things up for one ad. 
You should now have 1 campaign, 1 adset, 1 ad. 
You’ll want to repeat the steps for the other ad sets and ads to create the campaign structure we laid out for you before. Here it is again:


Remember, you want to test a handful of different audiences on the adset level. And you want to put a handful of different ads underneath each adset so that Facebook can test multiple ads for that specific audience.

If none of the ads work for that audience that you can say with a degree of certainty that that audience isn’t a good fit.

If none of the audiences you tested work, then you can say with a degree of certainty that something may be off with your ad copy or offer.

Action Steps

  • Setup your campaign following the structure we laid out

Up Next: What To Do After Launching